Salman Khan The highest famous Bollywood actor in the world and tinsel town’s Bhaijaan, Salman Khan is one name that resonates as being a strong presence in the field of entertainment. Be it producing or starring in films, Salman continues to go strong with his three-decade-long presence in the Hindi film industry. As a famous superstar whose screen presence guarantees massive popularity and marketing of his films, Salman charges up to 70 - 85 crores for starring in each of his movies. That, coupled with his fairly high endorsement charge of Rs 4 crores per day per ad contribute to his overall net income. Salman Khan has endorsed brands like Thumbs Up, Revital,, Splash, Relaxo, etc. Salman also has inroads to his income through his own production house, the Salman Khan Being Human Productions . Amitabh Bachchan The Big B of Bollywood and the biggest famous star of his era who continues to enjoy limelight even after almost five decades of ...
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